Sunday, October 29, 2006

Famous Last Words

When I was younger I vowed that I would never go to Bible College - though I just graduated from Summit Pacific College (Bible College) in April. As a teenager I promised myself I would never work in any form of Christian vocation - though I am now preparing to be a missionary. When I finally accepted God's not-so-subtle nudges and agreed to go to Bible College and study to become a misisonary I swore that I would never be the missionary who travels speaking and showing pictures - tonight that dream came to an end.

I had the opportunity to share with the young adults group at Living Waters Assembly in Fort Langley (which the young adults pastor as hails the best looking group of people around). It really was a great time. I had been asked to share a little insight into my time in India and pictures just seemed so sure enough, there I was, the guest speaker, showing pictures of my missionary endeavours. For the record, it was only a few pictures and I did not give a play-by-play of each photograph.

All this goes to show that God has a much better plan than I do. A lot of the time I want to know exactly what is coming and what I should do next - I want the big picture...ALL OF IT! But, if God would have told me five years ago what I would be doing on the evening of October 29, 2006 I would have laughed out loud and then probably pulled some sort of Jonah-esque escape and evade maneuver. It makes me even more excited when I stop and think about what may come in the next five years.

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

She Said YES!

Well folks the nearly unthinkable has taken place...insert suspense...last night, atop Burnaby Mountain (which provides a lovely view of the mountains, ocean and downtown Vancouver), Miss Amber Wilson agreed to marry me! I can hardly believe it myself! Needless to say it was romantic and wonderful. I am very proud that I genuinely surprised her. The night was not without surprises for me as well. As we were leaving , and I was getting into the car, a lady backed right into us. It was one of those "is this really happening" type moments. Thus, the very first people we announced our engagement to was two random strangers in a parking lot. I must say it makes for a great story though.

It is so incredibly exciting to know that Amber and I are just one step closer to working together in missions. It changes everything to know that you will never face things alone.

Monday, October 16, 2006

Oh Canada

I am officially back on Canadian soil. I arrived in British Columbia on October 12 and have been surprisingly busy ever since. I must say that it is far too COLD here! I guess I became more accustomed to the weather in India than I was aware of. What makes me more sad is that I have already caught a cold after only being back for a few days. I mean, what kind of Canadian am I if I cannot even handle the month of October?!

My missions apprenticeship has officially begun. I have been into the office and even helped with a small youth ministries event. Not bad for my first weekend back! The search for an apartment / basement suite / roomy card board box has also kicked into high gear. My girlfriend has also been kind of enough to bless me with a mode of transportation…just imagine me, at 6 feet, 2 inches, cruising around in a white Geo Metro – a funny mental image I know.

Now that I am back, life in Canada does not seem like such a foreign idea. I am struck by how in some ways life has not changed, while in others the differences are undeniable. Regardless, I am very excited for whatever this fall season has in store. One of the best parts about being a Christian (in my opinion) is that the adventure is never over. Whether overseas or at home, God always has something more in store for us.