Leaving Turkey yesterday Matthew had a slight rumble in his tummy - no, not intuition, but rather a sickly rumble. By the time we had cleared passport control Matthew knew his stomach was unwell. His very first act in Austria was to push a German-speaking man out of his way in a charge towards the bathroom. This was then followed by a night and afternoon of gut destroying vomitting and other like activities (details will be left out).
In two hours from now the Armitage's will arrive in Vienna and our road trip into Slovakia will begin. It will be "interesting" as that word is ambiguous and leaves room for both the good and the bad. We are so excited to be going to Slovakia, we just hope that Matthew does not leave a little bit of himself at each place we visit!
Saturday, November 10, 2007
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Little parts of Matthew spread across Europe does bring quite an image to mind!!!
Hope you are feeling better!
So how is the snow levels in Slovakia?
Wow, sounds like a " gut wrenching journey ", Sorry I couldn't help myself. I pray Matthew is feeling much better by the time this comment is read. Anyways, Looking forward to hearing your mission stories when you come to Sidney Pentecostal Church on November 18th. May God's grace and protection surround you as you travel. Peace, Raon Cole+
Thanks Ron for your well wishing. I went to the doctor and am feeling better - not 100% yet. We saw your daughter on Tuesday night. That is a lot of Cole all in one week. Talk about a great week!
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